Saturday, July 28, 2007

something different

And now for a break from this irregularly scheduled photoblog. I was indirectly tagged by Victoria, so here goes;

Seven Random Things About Me

1. Bunnies are about my favourite thing in the whole world.

2. If I have more than one type of food on my plate, I don't like them to be touching each other. But when eating those same foods, I like to have a little bit of each on the fork at the same time. Don't ask, I can't explain it.

3. I have never broken a limb. (Hopefully I didn't just jinx myself!)

4. Bob Blumer is my newest celebrity crush. He's crazy in the best possible way - how can you not love a guy who drives around in a toaster?

5. I was an accident. (Though sis diplomatically refers to me as an "afterthought".)

6. My dad was a Holocaust survivor.

7. I sleep with the comforter tucked all around me so the monster under the bed can't grab my feet in the middle of the night.

If you're reading this, you are tagged. >;-D (And no excuses if you don't have a blog - you can reply in the comments. Ahem!)


Victoria said...


Victoria said...

Also, amazing about your Dad.

Anonymous said...

1. I'm a kick-ass ping pong player. Beware!
2. Kids and animals love me.
3. How cruel is the universe? I'm allergic to chocolate!
4. I have a birthmark in a very interesting location.
5. Bach is my hero.
6. I think I love you. };-D
7. Or at the very least, have a huge cybercrush on you.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I don't have a blog so here's mine;
1) mashed potatoes make me very happy
2) so does spaghetti carbonara
3) I love the feel of light spring rain on my skin
4) I'm a whiz with a sliderule
5) emerald green is my favourite colour
6) Both sad and happy movies make me cry. (rather embarassing when you're a male!)

Yvonne said...

Thanks for visiting, Victoria! ;)

nigel; um, nice to meet you?!
mark; the sliderule thing scares me. ;)

Anonymous said...

I am amazed about your dad. I have questions, questions. How extremely interesting!

*herm* and you are afraid of the boogie man?! At your age?! Whew! This is good to know, because honestly? I am too!!! I cannot sleep in pitch black. No way!

This is Marie Logan btw :)

Yvonne said...

Hey Marie! Glad to know I'm not the only one fearful of that damn boogie man!